Monday, March 11, 2013

This is a story about control, my control...

Although I'm sure that Janet Jackson is not singing about the kind of control I'm writing about, I know we can all agree that control has to be part of a plan, especially a diet plan.

I'm proud to report that I've shed 8.2 lbs. in 8 weeks.  I was pretty shocked when I got off the scale and the WW chick told me I was down another lb.  I honestly thought that I had made some bad choices in the past week, but I guess I stayed in control.  Our meeting today was about Eating Out.  How do we control our choices outside of the home?  What tactics do we use and how do we put them into play so they become part of our routine?  That's the key word - ROUTINE.  The new WW program is all about creating routines, whether it is about eating, drinking enough water, knowing how you are going to move the next day.

Since I began the program AGAIN I have made a conscious choice not to eat out.  Of course, that's not entirely true; my choice is really about making the right choices.  We have not ordered in at all since I've been back on the plan and it is benefiting both me and my husband.  His goal was to merely drop  a size and he's pretty much achieved that.  As you know, I've got a much bigger goal, but staying in control is keeping me on track.

As for staying on track, one of the top ways for me to do that is to track what I'm eating.  Any diet plan will tell you to write down what you are consuming.  WW makes it easier because you can do it all online and their site is loaded with all the tools you need to make tracking a way of life.  The last time I did the program, I became obsessed with the tracking part.  While I was successful in losing 52 lbs., I was so obsessed with tracking, it became boring after 8 months and I stopped.  I now know that you can't put all your eggs in the tracking basket.  You need to look at the whole picture and I believe I am at that point now.  I make a mental note of what I need to be doing each day, exclusive of tracking it.  I am still doing the tracking, but I'm not quite as consumed by it as I was before.  My mental notes include taking my pedometer because knowing how much I'm moving and the calories I'm burning (which WW does not really track) is very motivating.  I make a note when I do the weekly shopping that I need to fill the cart with the really healthy stuff first (salad items, veggies, protein etc.).  Then, I will add food that rounds out the program (WW approved snacks).

Back to eating out.  I am kind of doing that every day.  I really like the chicken noodle soup from the local deli near where I work, so I suppose you can call that eating out.  That I can eat that for lunch five days a week is a little weird, but I like it and I know I'm not consuming anything too bad.  The one thing I really need to work on is how much sodium I consume.  I've tried really hard, but the fact is it does make you food taste better.  I've experimented with some new spices, but let's face the facts, it's not the same as salt.  I do know that using lemon juice in place of salt can help a lot.  I tried it once before and was pretty satisfied with the results.  It's my goal and plan to CONTROL that this next week.  I know I can't just say to myself I will stop using salt.  In some instances, it is really needed in a recipe.  

What are the things that you need to control, whether it is in a diet plan or just in life.  Do they cross over?  I have found this is true for me, but that's another post in another blog.  Let me know what you do.  Head to the comments and spew.  See ya next week.

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